

Where Did the Money of China's Real-Estate Giants Evergrande and ...told the media on Tuesday that the company is “under periodic liquidity pressure.”Last month, Evergrande Group, China’s second largest property developer by sales, reported that its total debts reached 2.44 trillion yuan, sending shockwaves through the economy.To this point, it is kno还有呢?

China’s East Buy CEO Admits Management Loophole in Response to ...after criticizing an employee for using the company’s official account to express personal grieves. This announcement marked his first direct response to the public controversy that has unfolded over the past days.“It was initially a minor internal issue. However, due to mishandling, it stirred等会说。

英语书单推荐 篇二:2024.1.9《经济学人》节选双语精读【科技篇】...作者:值友1845977272A new type of jet engine could revive supersonic air travel【1】SINCE THE1960s engineers around the world have been fiddling with a novel type of jet called a rotating detonation engine (RDE), but it has never got beyond the experimental stage. That could be about 好了吧!


